What can YOU do?

What can EVERYONE do? 

+Do your research 

+Ask Questions 

+Educate Others

-Share what you learn 

-Support organisations 

-Engage in conversations 

>Be aware- Of yourself and others.

>Be open- to learning something new.

>Be kind to everyone. 

What we are on right now, is a movement and one that everyone can be involved in. You don’t need to be affected by something to positively influence it. There are a range of physical impacts you can make within your environments which can positively influence the lives of someone with dwarfism- but many changes also start within. 
Through Short Perspectives, the key ethos is awareness. That’s where I believe any change begins- alongside the courage that comes with admitting there is still more to learn. 
In order to have a fully accessible community for people with Dwarfism- first and foremost comes acceptance and then comes the physicals support as well as the education that can be put in place...

Here are some things everyone can do:

+Step Stools- Place a step stool in both female and male restrooms (including disabled toilets and baby changing).
+Lower down counters/Bar areas where possible- otherwise provide step-stools in these areas.
+Lower door handles in place- where usually high.
+Lower doorbells/Alarm bells (at average height- waist height).
+Include Dwarfism awareness in your information stands- (Email lifebeinglittle@gmail.com to discuss).
+Include Dwarfism in your local training and in team discussions.
+Celebrate Dwarfism Awareness Month (October) and Dwarfism Awareness Day (25th October) in your institution, business, community or hometown.
Additionally online and in-person Dwarfism Awareness training, presentations and seminars are available for organisations across the UK. (Email lifebeinglittle@gmail.com to discuss).


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